Monday, November 28, 2011

The butchers

They've become really good in covering things up in Taiji. I'm guessing there are more tarps used than the village has fishermen running around.
Everything from the dolphin killing that can be covered is hidden for us. They've placed nets, tarps, plastic containers, curtains,... whatever can be used to keep it from being seen.
They call it tradition, something they have been done for many generations long, a tradition on which they are proud. But now, since "The Cove" has send the cruel and horrible killings out into the world, all of a sudden it becomes a tradition that has to be continued under a tarp. Because they know: one picture says so much about what is going on there. One picture can make a human turn away in revolt.

The next series of pictures I've taken at 2 of the meat buyers houses... the first one ran for the doors but came to late. The other one was processing the dolphin meat in the open and didn't even have a clue that I was standing in front of him. So I took my time to shoot a few seconds of movie as well.

The meat you see is from Risso's dolphins that were swimming freely about 5 hours earlier.
You can still see them swimming (for there lives) on my blog of monday November 21st.
(By SSCS campaign regulations, the pictures got released only today)

for a video of the butcher in action:

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